Table 2.
Intermolecular interactions of the docked complexes between peptide 1, peptide 2, and the inhibitor K-26, and the active site residues of ACE. Ligand atoms are highlighted in bold letters. Similar interactions among the ligands of the common ACE residues are highlighted in the same style. Binding affinity of each complex calculated by the docking protocol is also indicated. OC = carbonyl, NH = amine/amide, OPO = phosphate, N+ = nitrogen positive charge, O- = oxygen negative charge
Compounds | Binding affinity (kcal/mol) |
Protein-ligand interactions | ||
Hydrogen bond | Electrostatic | Hydrophobic | ||
K-26 | −8.2 |
ALA356: NH ASP358 : OC GLU384:OPO T Y R 5 2 3 : O P O |
Zn 2+ : OPO | TRP357:pi-sigma HIS387 : pi-pi HIS410:pi-pi VAL518:pi-sigma |
Peptide1 | - 9.5 | GLN281:OC(Glu3)
GLU411:OH(Gly4) T Y R 5 2 3 : O H (Gly4) ALA356: NH (Gly7) TYR360:OC(Gly7) GLU403:NH(Arg9) GLY404:NH(Arg9) |
ASP453:N + (Pro2) GLU411:N + (Pro5) GLU403:N + (Arg9) ARG522:O − (Arg9) Zn 2+ : OH (Gly4) |
HIS387 : pi-sigma (Pro5) PHE570:pi-sigma(Arg9) |
Peptide2 | −9.3 | GLU162:NH(Gly1)
ASP377:NH(Gly1) CYS370:NH(Gly1) ALA354:OC(Gly1) LYS511:OC(Glu2) THR282:OH(Thr3) HIS353:NH(Gly7) ASN66:NH(Ala11) ARG124:OC(Ala12) TYR360:NH(Ala15) TYR394:NH(Arg18) ASP358 : NH (Arg18) TYR360:NH(Arg18) |
ASP377:N + (Gly1) LYS511:O − (Glu2) ASP358:N + (Arg18) Zn 2+ : OC (Ala6) |
HIS410:pi-cation (Arg18) |