(A) Fold-change in occupancy of MED1 at 10,604 individual MED1 peaks in AML following 2 h treatment with 500 nM JQ1. The peaks are ranked in order of increasing fold change (JQ1/DMSO). The blue box highlights the 200 most JQ1-sensitive MED1 elements. Fold changes presented are the average of two independent biological replicates.
(B) Fold-change in FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million) for 8,118 expressed genes in AML (defined by FPKM>5 in DMSO sample) following 6 h of 500 nM JQ1 treatment. The genes are ranked in order of increasing fold change. The numbers in parentheses are the fold-change expression rank of the indicated genes.
(C) Average fold-change in FPKM after JQ1 treatment for all expressed genes (left), for genes associated with super-enhancers (center), and for genes associated with JQ1-sensitive MED1 peaks (right). The numbers in parentheses represent the number of genes matched to the class of peaks indicated. *** represents a p value < 0.0001, the result of a Mann-Whitney test.
(D) Stratification of 178 MED1 super-enhancers based on whether or not they overlap with at least one of the 200 JQ1-sensitive MED1 peaks (minimum overlap 1 bp).
(E) Average fold change in FPKM for genes associated with JQ1-sensitive MED1 super-enhancers and for genes associated with JQ1-insensitive MED1 super enhancers (as delineated in (D)). The numbers in parentheses represent the number of genes matched to the subclass of super-enhancer indicated. *** represents a p value < 0.0001, the result of a Mann-Whitney test.
(F) ChIP-seq meta-profiles for hematopoietic TF occupancy at 200 JQ1-sensitive MED1 peaks or the remaining 10,404 MED1 peaks.
(G) GREAT ontology analysis Binomial P values for 200 JQ1-sensitive MED1 peaks versus 200 random MED1 peaks. Top-ranking ontology terms for the JQ1-sensitive peaks are displayed alongside values for the same ontology terms in the random peaks. Terms in parentheses represent the ontology identifiers in the GREAT database.
See also Figure S2 and Tables S2–S3.