(A) Western blot protein analysis of p-JNK in CPCs after overnight treatment with 10 μM C59 Porcupine inhibitor with or without 10 nM Sfrp2.
(B) p-JNK activation in CPCs as assessed by ELISA in the presence or absence of 10 μM C59 Porcupine inhibitor with and without 10 nM Sfrp2 treatment. *P<0.05 compared to Nt; n=6.
(C) p-JNK activation in Control (MSCV-eGFP), constitutively active β-Catenin (MSCV-ΔGSKβCatenin) or dominate negative β-Catenin (MSCV-Axin1) CPCs as assessed by ELISA with and without 10 nM Sfrp2.
(D) p-JNK activation in shControl and shWnt6 CPCs assessed by ELISA in the presence or absence of 10 nM Sfrp2. *P<0.05; n=4. Nt: no treatment.