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. 2016 Apr 21;6:24267. doi: 10.1038/srep24267

Figure 4. HSP27 and HSP70 expression in non-malignant thymic specimens.

Figure 4

Representative images show endothelial expression of HSP27 (A) in fetal thymus and HSP70 (B) in adult thymus with regular morphology (*asterisk). cTECs with intense subcapsular expression of HSP27 (C) in fetal thymus and HSP70 (D) in FTH is shown (arrows). mTECs and HCs express HSP27 (E) and HSP70 (F) in fetal thymus. Arrows indicate HCs. Staining of HSP27 (G) and HSP70 (H) in dendritic cells of GCs (GC) and TECs in MZ-like distribution (MZ) in FTH is shown. Arrows indicating HSP expressing dendritic cells in GCs (A-F, H: 400x magnification; G: 200x magnification). Hematoxylin was used for counterstaining.HSP27, Heat Shock Protein 27; HSP70, Heat Shock Protein 70; cTEC, cortical Thymic Epithelial Cells; mTEC, medullary Thymic Epithelial Cells; FTH, Follicular Thymic Hyperplasia; HC, Hassall’s Corpuscles; GC, Germinal Center; MZ, TECs with marginal zone like distribution.