Correlation between prunasin concentration in roots and structural, and physiological parameters of Prunus serotina seedlings growing in 10 % low light (LL), 25 % medium light (ML), or 100 % high light (HL) of full natural sun light and in one of two competition treatment: P (three P. serotina seedlings) or Q + P + L (three Quercus petraea + six P. serotina + mulching with P. leaves). All data from three sampling dates (June, August, and September) were pooled. Chl tot – total chlorophyll content in leaf, N – nitrogen content in leaf, F
m – maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, R
d. – dark respiration, A
max – maximum net CO2 assimilation rate, E – transpiration rate, WUE – water use efficiency, PNUE – photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency. r – Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, *0.01 ≤ P < 0.05, **0.001 ≤ P < 0.01, ***
P < 0.001, in bold – r statistically significant (N = 17)