A) Dose response curves for determining the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) against various organisms. Black = 1, Blue = 2, Red = 8, Green = 9. IC50 (in μM): S. aureus >150 (1), 105 (2), 4.55 (8), 19.6 (9); E. coli >150 (1), >150 (2), >150 (8), >150 (9); C. albicans 36.0 (1), 36.3 (2), >150 (8), >150 (9); Human HCT116 36.5 (1), 503 (2), 8.92 (8), 12.0 (9). B) Plot of IC50 (in μM) in S. aureus, C. albicans, and human cancer cell HCT116.