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. 2016 Mar 21;113(15):4170–4175. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1521582113

Table S4.

GLM coefficients from the AICc favored model

Coefficient Est. SE LCI UCI
Intercept 3.888 1.115 1.702 6.074
Segmentationsegmented −1.640 0.453 −2.529 −0.751
Mode of transmissionvector-borne −3.006 0.519 −4.022 −1.989
Mortality rate −0.903 0.368 −1.624 −0.182
Duration of infectionacute −1.842 1.079 −3.957 0.273
Outer envelope statusenveloped −0.903 0.536 −1.955 0.148

Generalized linear model estimates (Est.) from the top model based on Akaike information criterion corrected for small sample size. For each Est., also given is the SE as well as the lower to upper 95% confidence interval (LCI to UCI).