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. 2016 Apr 21;12(4):e1004873. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004873

Table 1. Binning statistics.

TR EX C0902
Statistic on-target off-target on-target off-target on-target off-target
Number of bins 8,216 19,434 301,249 55012 8,662 19,402
Total bin footprint (bp) 1,791,315 2,837,786,301 70,364,091 2,468,075,581 1,867,888 2,837,005,032
Mean bin size (bp) 218.0 146,021.7 233.6 44864.3 215.6 146,222.3
Min. bin size (bp) 36 10,012 114 6,000 42 10,089
1st quartile bin size (bp) 183 148,196 197 11,304 181 148,108
Median bin size (bp) 203 149,819 227 28,358 200 149,814.5
3rd quartile bin size (bp) 259 151,062 268 86,767 257 151,070
Max. bin size (bp) 397 223,781 399 134,972 398 224,678

The bins for the exome panel (EX) cover a slightly smaller total genomic footprint than the targeted panels (TR, C0902) because most introns are smaller than the minimum size allowed for off-target bins, and thus discarded from the exome bins, while the off-target bins in the targeted panels span both the introns and exons of non-targeted genes.