Confocal fluorescence microscopy of RAW 264.7 cells incubated @ 37°C with AI) Control, with non-fluorescent NGSS, AII) fluorescent NGSSF for 4 h C) AIII) fluorescent NGSSF for 24 h, BI) Control, incubated with non-fluorescent NGPEGSS, BII) fluorescent NGPEGSSF for 4 h C) AIII) fluorescent NGPEGSSF for 24 h. Cells were visualized with confocal fluorescence microscope (λex = 490nm, λem= 520nm).
Lysotracker DND-99 fluorescence indicating co-localization of fluorescent NGSSF (C III and IV) and NGPEGSSF (D III and IV) in endolysosomal compartments. (C I) NGSSF and (D I) NGPEGSSF uptake in RAW 264.7 cells. (C II) and (D II) are lysotracker labeled endolysosomes.