Figure 7. Neutralization of RANTES attenuates liver neutrophilic infiltration and inhibits HCC initiation and progression.
A) Pre-and post-treatment axial MRI liver slices of male SART1+/− mice aged 16-18 months, and images of livers upon necropsy. Arrows indicate tumor nodules. Scale bar = 1 cm. B) Quantitation of tumor volume and number detected by MRIs in comparison to actual values determined by necropsy. C) Post-treatment MRIs of indicated mice with new tumor nodules (yellow arrows) and previously detected nodules (dotted ovals). Growth rate (D), or fold change (E) of individual tumor nodules in control and RANTES-treated mice. F) IHC for Ly6G in tumors from control and RANTES-treated mice with quantitation in (G) (4 random fields/tissue type/mouse).