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. 2016 Apr 28;8(4):342–354. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v8.i4.342

Table 2.

Magnetic resonance imaging protocol for cervical cancer staging

Sequence Plane Technical characteristics Utility
T2-W TSE (mandatory) Axial (renal hilum-pubis) TR/TE: 3500/90, NSA: 2, SL/G: 4.5/1, Matrix: 340 × 350, FOV: 38 Tumor detection and morphology, evaluation of pelvic tissues, lymph node status
Sagittal TR/TE: 3500/90, NSA: 3, SL/G: 3.5/1.2, Matrix: 348 × 276, FOV: 25
Axial oblique (perpendicular to cervical axis) TR/TE: 3900/125, NSA: 6, SL/G: 4/0.4, Matrix: 256 × 176, FOV: 18
T1-W TSE (mandatory) Axial (renal hilum-pubis) TR/TE: 400/13, NSA: 1, SL/G: 6/2, Matrix: 300 × 205, FOV: 36 Pelvic anatomy, lymph nodes, bone marrow, haemorrhage
DWI-EPI (mandatory) Axial TR/TE: 3000/68, Tumor detection, lymph nodes, post-treatment evaluation
NSA: 12, SL/G: 6/1
Matrix: 124 × 174
FOV: 35
DCE (optional) Sagittal; one native, post contrast images every 17 s, total acquisition time about 3 min TR/TE/FA: 15/4.2/45°, NSA: 2, Matrix: 228 × 75, FOV:17 Small tumor detection, tumor borders, endocervical extent
T2-W TSE FS (optional) Axial TR/TE: 1650/70, NSA: 2, SL/G: 4.5/1, Matrix: 288 × 250, FOV: 35 Parametrial plexus, fluid, bone marrow evaluation

T2-W: T2-weighted; T1-W: T1-weighted; T2-FS: T2-fat-suppressed; DCE: Dynamic contrast-enhanced; TR (ms): Repetition time; TE (ms): Echo time; FA (°): Flip angle; NSA: Number of signal acquisitions; SL (mm): Slice thickness; G (mm): Interslice gap; FOV (cm): Field of view (right-left).