Lonp1 expression is induced by H. pylori infection in human gastric epithelial cells. (A) Heatmap showing the expression pattern of mitochondrial proteases in Kx1 and Kx2 H. pylori infection models. (B) Lonp1 mRNA levels in MKN28 gastric cells were indicated by qPCR in response to H. pylori infection (MOI = 50, NCTC 11637) at different time points. (C) Lonp1 mRNA levels in MKN28 gastric cells were induced by different MOIs of H. pylori NCTC 11637 for 4 hours. (D) Lonp1 mRNA levels in MKN28 gastric cells were induced by different H. pylori strains (MOI = 50, 26695, J99, BCM-300, and BCS 100) for 12 hours. (E) Lonp1 proteins that were indicated by western blot (left) and quantified (right) in MKN28 gastric cells were elevated by H. pylori infection (MOI = 50, NCTC 11637) at different time points. Data represent the mean ± SEM from three separate experiments. * P < .05.