Figure 4. Her4-expressing cells in the INL contribute to the rod photoreceptor lineage.
Column 1, non-photoconverted Kaede (gKaede) and mCFP fluorescence; column 2, photoconverted Kaede (rKaede); column 3, immunolabeling for rod photoreceptors in the ONL with 4C12 antibody; column 4, merge of rKaede and 4C12. A–A‴) The non-photoconverted retina (no PC) shows gKaede fluorescence in the INL, and no rKaede fluorescence. B–B‴) The photoconverted retina immediately after UV treatment (0d post PC) shows only rKaede fluorescence in the INL (arrows), and co-localization of rKaede and 4C12 in the ONL (arrowheads). C–C‴) At 1d post PC, new gKaede expressing cells can already be detected in the INL (arrows) along with persistent rKaede in the INL and ONL. D–D‴) At 2d post PC, very little rKaede remains in the INL, but in the ONL rKaede persists in rod precursors. E–E‴) By 3d post PC, only gKaede can be detected in the INL (arrows). 3 animals and 30 sections were observed per time point. INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; CMZ, ciliary marginal zone; scale bar, 50 μm.