Personal and Professional Impact |
Are there other comments you would like to make about how the suicide affected you personally? |
Are there other comments you would like to make about how the suicide affected you professionally? |
Sometimes, an event like a patient suicide can spur significant personal and professional growth. Was that the case for you? |
Did the experience with patient suicide contribute to feelings of burnout? |
Coping Strategies/Resources Used for Support |
Were there other resources or strategies you used to help cope with the suicide? If so, please elaborate. |
Were there other resources or strategies your team used to help cope with the suicide? If so, please elaborate. |
Were there any resources or strategies your team used that you found harmful? |
Recommendations for Support |
What resources for support would you advise colleagues use after a patient suicide? |
What interventions would you recommend a team use to help work through the effects of a patient suicide? |
What sorts of supports or strategies would you recommend the agency adopt in order to help hospice workers after a patient suicide? Are there interventions that might be harmful? |