Figure 6. Effect of NH4Cl treatment and low vitamin D diet on performance in O-Maze.
(A–C) Photograph of the O-Maze with representative tracings of an untreated, male wild-type mouse (WT) (A), a male klotho-hypomorphic mouse (kl/kl) treated with 280 mM NH4Cl solution (B) and a male, NH4Cl treated kl/kl mouse under vitamin D deficient diet (C). (D–K) Arithmetic means ± SEM (n = 12–30) of (D) number of protected headdips, (E) number of unprotected headdips, (F) distance travelled in the open areas, (G) distance travelled in the open areas as percentage of total distance, (H) ratio of distance travelled in open areas and distance travelled in closed areas, (I) time spent in open areas, (J) time spent in the open arms as percentage of total time, and (K) ratio of time spent in open arms and time spent in closed arms of wild-type mice (WT, white bars) and kl/kl mice (kl/kl black bars) either untreated (Control, left bar), treated with 280 mM NH4Cl solution (NH4Cl, middle bars) or treated with NH4Cl and a vitamin D deficient diet (LVD, right bars). *(p < 0.05), **(p < 0.01) indicates statistically significant differences from untreated wild-type mice (Control); #(p < 0.05), ##(p < 0.01), ###(p < 0.001) indicates statistically significant differences from NH4Cl treated kl/kl mice. (ANOVA).