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. 2016 Apr 25;74:16. doi: 10.1186/s13690-016-0127-y

Table 2.

Detailed description of datasets to be incorporated in Aim 2

Survey Description (Study design, sampling and study protocol) Participants, recruitment measures and procedures Outcome(s) of interest Instrument/measure
Victorian Population Health Survey (VPHS) [58] Established in 1998, the VPHS is a Victorian representative surveillance survey that collects detailed information on the health, lifestyle and wellbeing status of Victorian adults. Random digit dialling of registered telephone numbers was used in each study year (annually from 2001) with participants completing a computer assisted telephone interview (CATI). In 2008 and 2011/12, sampling occurred in all of the 79 LGAs within Victoria and represented baseline measures for HTV. A target sample of 426 interviews per LGA was achieved. Triennial LGA-level data collection among over 33,000 is envisaged for the duration of the HTV (2014 and 2017). • 33,673 adults (≥18 years) in private dwellings recorded complete interviews between Sept 24 and Dec 16 2008 in HTC intervention and comparison communities
• All residential households with land-line telephone connections were considered eligible for the study
• Interviewers made up to six calls on different days of the week and times to establish contact with the household, which was controlled by a customised call algorithm
• The average interview length was approximately 22 min.
• The response rate was 64.9 %.
• Change in BMI score
• Change in overweight and obesity prevalence
• Change in fruit and vegetable intake
• Change in the proportion meeting the Australian physical activity guidelines for adults [59]
Self-rated health status
CATI (smoking, fruit and vegetable intake, alcohol consumption, levels of PA)
Self-reported height and weight
Preventive Health Survey (PHS) The Preventive Health Survey was undertaken in 2011/12 and is again scheduled for completion in 2016/2017. The PHS furthers the information derived from the VPHS as it is able to make comparison estimates for each intervention HTV area compared to its’ matched-control area. This is in contrast to the VPHS, which can only make estimates for intervention and comparison HTV areas combined. • ≥9,500 adults (≥18 years) and ≥ 1800 children (5–18 years) randomly sampled from HTV intervention and comparison communities • Change in BMI
• Change in overweight and obesity prevalence
• Change in the proportion of participants meeting Australia’s physical activity and sedentary behavior guidelines for children (5–12 years) [33] and young people (13–18 years) [34]
• Change in the proportion of participants eating the required amount of fruit and vegetables [39]
Self-rated health status CATI (PA, SB environmental amenity, perceived barriers and facilitators to healthy eating and activity)
Self-reported height and weight
School Activity Audits The Healthy Together Achievement Program is currently being offered to all Victorian Primary and Secondary schools. The program began in 2011, and was developed by the Department of Education and Training and Department of Health & Human Services (Victoria). The Achievement Program is designed to support schools to become health promoting schools and aide in the attainment of state-wide benchmarks for health promotion. Through participation in the Achievement program, schools provide information on the schools’ engagement in prevention efforts. • Primary and Secondary Schools involved in the Healthy Together Achievement Program
• The schools’ Achievement Program Coordinator completes the audits via the online registration system.
• Uptake and dispersion of the Achievement Program across Victoria
• Change in progression through the various stages of the Achievement Program and achievement of benchmarks among HTV and comparison communities over time.
Online School Activity audit
LGA Policy Metrics The Victorian Department of Health & Human Services has conducted a content analysis of Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans and Council Plans in relation to healthy eating and physical activity, as well as other health and wellbeing priorities, of the 79 LGAs in Victoria. Local council plans between 2009 and 2013 have been audited in line with the 4 year municipal planning cycles. • Content analysis of municipal documents from 79 LGAs in Victoria • Evaluation of changes in the number and type of health and wellbeing policies within HTV intervention and comparison communities Municipal policy documents