Fig. S2.
Estimated age of diversity in the S. thermophilum group. C7-C7a, C3SID-C7, C3SID-C7a, and C3SID-C40 represent between-group genetic distance for associated ITS2 groups, with C3SID being defined as the grouping of Symbiodinium ITS2 type C3 sequences originating from host Siderastrea siderea samples as highlighted in yellow in figure 8A from Thornhill et al., 2014 (17). Numbers above genetic distances represent corresponding lineage diversification ages (Mya) extracted from figure 8A of Thornhill et al., 2014 (17). C27–C40 and S. thermophilum group represent average pairwise genetic distances between the five most divergent pairs between ITS2 groups C27 and C40 and within the S. thermophilum group. Error bars represent 1 SD above and below the average (comparisons of five most divergent pairs only). Values for all genetic distances as well as details of the five most divergent pairs are given in Table S4.