Fig. S1.
Ang-2 is expressed in human nGBM and rGBM, independent of the molecular subtype. (A) Ang-2 is overexpressed in human nGBM and rGBM compared with normal human brain (****P < 0.0001, n = 70, 9, 4, respectively). No difference in Ang-2 expression was detectable between human nGBM and rGBM. (B) TCGA subgroup-specific analyses revealed that Ang-2 is expressed across all GBM subtypes [no significant differences between groups; P = 0.06 (ANOVA); classical n = 15, mesenchymal n = 26, neural n = 12, proneural n = 18]. (C and D) Ang-2 is expressed in abnormal human GBM vessels but is not detectable in GBM tumor cells (n = 12). Shown are representative Ang-2 immunohistochemical images of human nGBM in low-power (C) and high-power (D) magnification. (E) Ang-2 expression correlates with VEGF expression in human GBM (PCC r = 0.57, ****P < 0.0001, n = 482). Log2 represents logarithm to base 2.