Generation of LDLR
−/− pigs. A, Schematic diagram of the wild‐type LDLR locus (top line), targeting vector (middle line), and predicted targeted allele (bottom line). Positions of the 5′ and 3′ probes for Southern blotting are indicated by red and blue bars, respectively, and DNA fragments expected to be detected are indicated by the lines with arrows as both ends. B, Southern blot analysis of representative F2 siblings with 5′ probe. The wildtype allele yielded a 17.5‐kb fragment hybridized to the 5′ probe, whereas the targeted allele yielded a 10‐kb fragment. C, Southern blot analysis of representative F2 siblings with 3′ probe. The wildtype allele yielded a 14‐kb fragment hybridizing to 3′ probe, whereas the targeted allele yielded a 12.5‐kb fragment. These siblings include homozygous LDLR‐targeted pigs (lanes 1, 3, and 8), heterozygous LDLR‐targeted pigs (lanes 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10), and wild‐type pigs (lane 7).