Differential effects of D4 receptor on insulin receptor expression in renal proximal tubule (RPT) cells from Wistar‐Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). A, Differential effects of the D4 receptor agonist, PD168077 (10−7 mol/L per 24 hours), on insulin receptor protein expression in RPT cells from WKY and SHRs. Cells were incubated at the indicated time points and concentrations. Results are expressed as the ratio of insulin receptor and α‐actin densities (n=6; *P<0.05 vs control). B, Differential effects of the D4 receptor agonist, PD168077 (10−7 mol/L per 24 hours), on insulin receptor mRNA expression in RPT cells from WKY and SHRs. Cells were incubated at indicated time points and concentrations. Results are expressed as the ratio of insulin receptor and β‐actin densities (n=9; *P<0.05 vs control). C, Effect of the D4 receptor agonist, PD168077 (10−7 mol/L per 24 hours), in the presence of calcium‐channel blocker (nicardipine, 10−6 mol/L per 24 hours) (I) or inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate (IP3) receptor blocker (2‐ADB; 10−6 mol/L per 24 hours) (II) on insulin receptor mRNA expression in WKY RPT cells. Cells were incubated with the indicated reagents. Real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction data were analyzed using the comparative CT method (n=9; *P<0.05 vs others). CT indicates threshold cycle.