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. 2012 Oct 24;1(2):74–81. doi: 10.3390/plants1020074

Table 1.

Antibacterial activity of plant species used in the Pamir Mountains to treat ailments related to bacterial infections.

Plant species Family Voucher No. (J. Soelberg) Reported use Used part MIC (µg/mL)
S. aureus E. coli B. subtilis P. aeriginosa
Anaphalis virgata Thoms. Asteraceae 135 Fever, breathing problems, blisters Herba - - - -
Arnebia guttata Bge. Boraginaceae 145 Ear-ache Radix 6 (E) - - -
Artemisia persica Boiss. Asteraceae 154 Non-descript stomach problems Herba 1000 (E) - - -
Artemisia sieversiana Willd. Asteraceae 152 Treatment for maggot infected wounds (in animals) Herba - - - -
Betula chitralica Browich Betulaceae 36 Boils/blisters, decoction drunk for various diseases Cortex - - - -
Carum carvi L. Apiaceae 17 Fever, throat pain Semen 500 (E) - - -
Delphinium brunonianum Royle. Ranunculaceae 113 Antibacterial, applied to wounds Herba - - - -
Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb & Berth Brassicaceae 151 Antibacterial decoction, powder blown into hurting throats, blisters Semen - - - -
Ephedra intermedia Schrenk & Mey. Ephedraceae 163 Mouthwash for toothache/periodontitis Herba 500 (E)500 (W) - - -
Epilobium latifolium L. Onagraceae 136 Blisters Herba 1000 (E) - - -
Hyoscyamus pusillus L. Solanaceae 30 Toothache Semen - - - -
Lagochilus cabulicus Rech, f & Edelb s.l. Lamiaceae 141 For animal with lung troubles Herba 500 (E)
Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson Lamiaceae 175 Fever, decoction drunk for various unwellness Herba - - - -
Nepeta parmiriensis Franch. Lamiaceae 125 Fever, nausea Herba - - - -
S. aureus E. coli B. subtilis P. aeriginosa
Onobrychis echidna Lipsky Fabaceae 32 Toothbrush Radix - - - -
Peganum harmala L. Zygophyllaceae 1 Childrens ear-ache, powder applied to blisters Semen 500 (E) 500 (E) 500 (E) -
Plantago gentianoides subsp. Griffithii (Dechne.) Reich. Plantaginaceae 16 Blisters (with pus), absesses and wounds Semen - - - -
Rosa webbiana Wallich. Rosaceae 160 Fever, non-descript stomach problems. Decoction for bloody coughing, ashes for ear-ache Fructus - - - -
Rumex patientia subsp. pamiricus Rech Polygonaceae 161 Antibacterial, fever Radix 1000 (E) 1000 (E) 750 (E) 1000 (E)
Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam Lamiaceae 107 Fever Herba - - - -
Streptomycin 2 6 6 6

(-): MIC values > 1,000 µg. (E): Ethanol extract, (W): water extract.