Mean temperature-adjusted PTGR and the proportion of the style length traveled per hour, and associated standard deviation (SD) and standard error values (SE) for populations of the Clarkia sister taxa exilis and unguiculata, and ssp. parviflora and xantiana. Within each population, individual donor means were calculated across all recipient flowers following cross-pollinations. Population means were then calculated as the mean of the donors’ means for each pollen performance trait. Population variances were then compared among populations of sister taxa using the default tests in JMP 9.0 (O’Brien, Brown-Forsythe, Levene, and Bartlett tests). If differences were detected by these tests, the analysis of means for variance test [Levene’s Analysis of Means for Variances (ANOM) for variances] was used to identify populations whose absolute deviations from the median differed from the average cross-group absolute deviation from the median. Within each pair of sister taxa, population standard deviations whose corresponding variances are significantly higher (H) or lower (L) than the cross-population median of the variances (Levene’s ANOM, α = 0.05) are indicated in bold.