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. 2013 Apr 24;2(2):248–278. doi: 10.3390/plants2020248

Table 6.

Nested ANOVAs evaluating the random effects of Pollen Donor and Pollination Type (cross or self) nested within Pollen Donor on temperature-adjusted pollen performance traits in exilis (Stark Creek population), as well as in unguiculata, parviflora, and xantiana populations. We used the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method to estimate variance components for each taxon. Effects associated with variance components whose 95% confidence intervals (CI) do not include zero are statistically significant and are indicated in bold italics.

Taxon Effect Pollen tube growth rate (mm/hour) Proportion of the style length traveled
Variance Component 95% CI % of Total Variance Component 95% CI % of Total
exilis Pollen Donor 0.0134 −0.0166–0.0434 38.66 0.0078 −0.0017–0.0173 58.83
Pollination Type[Pollen Donor] 0.0022 −0.0277–0.0322 6.48 −0.0020 −0.0106–0.0067 −14.83
Error 0.0190 0.0100–0.0499 54.86 0.0074 0.0038–0.0198 55.99
Total 0.0347 100 0.0132 100
unguiculata Pollen Donor 0.0049 0.0013–0.0085 18.52 0.0009 0.0002–0.0016 16.86
Pollination Type[Pollen Donor] −0.0010 −0.0044–0.0024 −3.71 −0.0002 −0.0009–0.0004 −4.48
Error 0.0225 0.0189–0.0272 85.19 0.0046 0.0038–0.0055 87.62
Total 0.0264 100 0.0052 100
parviflora Pollen Donor 0.0035 0.0005–0.0064 16.74 0.0042 0.0015–0.0069 39.24
Pollination Type[Pollen Donor] −0.0007 −0.0033–0.0018 −3.52 0.0008 −0.0008–0.0023 7.16
Error 0.0179 0.0152–0.0215 86.78 0.0057 0.0048–0.0069 53.61
Total 0.0207 100 0.0107 100
xantiana Pollen Donor 0.0015 −0.0007–0.0036 8.22 0.0004 −0.0001–0.0008 9.42
Pollination Type[Pollen Donor] −0.0007 −0.0029–0.0014 −4.16 −-0.0002 −0.0006–0.0003 −4.45
Error 0.0173 0.0145–0.0209 95.94 0.0038 0.0032–0.0045 95.03
Total 0.0180 100 0.0040 100