Table 1.
Some functional microorganisms used as commercial starters in food fermentation (amended and compiled from references: Mogensen et al., 2002; Bernardeau et al., 2006; Bourdichon et al., 2012; Thapa and Tamang, 2015).
Group | Genera/species | Product/application(s) |
Bacteria | ||
Acetobacter aceti subsp. aceti | Vinegar | |
A. pasteurianus subsp. pasteurianus | Vinegar, cocoa | |
Bacilllus acidopulluluticus | Pullulanases (food additive) | |
B. coagulans | Cocoa; glucose isomerase (food additive), fermented soybeans | |
B. licheniformis | Protease (food additive) | |
B. subtilis | Fermented soybeans, protease, glycolipids, riboflavin-B2 (food additive) | |
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, B. breve | Fermented milks with probiotic properties; common in European fermented milks | |
Brachybacterium alimentarium | Gruyère and Beaufort cheese | |
Brevibacterium flavum | Malic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, monosodium glutamate (food additives) | |
Corynebacterium ammoniagenes | Cheese ripening | |
Enterobacter aerogenes | Bread fermentation | |
Enterococcus durans | Cheese and sourdough fermentation | |
E. faecium | Soybean, dairy, meat, vegetables | |
Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. ozaenae | Tempe; production of vitamin B12 | |
Lactobacillus acetototolerans | Ricotta cheese, vegetables | |
L. acidophilus | Fermented milks, probiotics, vegetables | |
L. alimentarius | Fermented sausages; ricotta; meat, fish | |
L. brevis | Bread fermentation; wine; dairy | |
L. buchneri | Malolactic fermentation in wine; sourdough | |
L. casei subsp. casei | Dairy starter; cheese ripening; green table olives | |
L. delbruecki subsp. bulgaricus | Yogurt and other fermented milks, mozarella | |
L. fermentum | Fermented milks, sourdough, urease (food additive) | |
L. ghanensis | Cocoa | |
L. helveticus | Starter for cheese; cheese ripening, vegetables | |
L. hilgardii | Malolactic fermentation of wine | |
L. kefiri | Fermented milk (kefir), reduction of bitter taste in citrus juice | |
L. kimchii | Kimchi | |
L. oeni | Wine | |
L. paracasei subsp. paracasei | Cheese fermentation, probiotic cheese, probiotics, wine, meat | |
L. pentosus | Meat fermentation and biopreservation of meat; green table olives; dairy, fruits, wine | |
L. plantarum subsp. plantarum | Fermentation of vegetables, malolactic fermentation, green table olives; dairy, meat | |
L. sakei subsp. sakei | Fermentation of cheese and meat products; beverages | |
L. salivarious subsp. salivarius | Cheese fermentation | |
L. sanfranciscensis | Sourdough | |
L. versmoldensis | Dry sausages | |
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis | Dairy starter, Nisin (protective culture) | |
L. lactis, L. mesenteroides subsp. Cremoris, L. mesenteroides subsp. Dextranicum, L. mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides | Dairy starter | |
Oenococcus oeni | Malolactic fermentation of wine | |
Pediococcus acidilactici | Meat fermentation and biopreservation of meat; cheese starter | |
P. pentosaceus | Meat fermentation and biopreservation of meat | |
Propionibacterium acidipropionici | Meat fermentation and biopreservation of meat | |
P. arabinosum | Cheese fermentation; probiotics | |
P. freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii | Cheese fermentation (Emmental cheese starter) | |
Streptococcus natalensis | Natamycin (food additive) | |
Weisella ghanensis | Cocoa | |
Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis | Beverages | |
Yeasts | ||
Candida famata | Fermentation of blue vein cheese and biopreservation of citrus; meat | |
C. guilliermondii | Citric acid (food additive) | |
C. krusei | Kefir fermentation; sourdough fermentation | |
Debaryomyces hansenii | Ripening of smear cheeses; meat | |
Geotrichum candidum | Ripening of soft and semisoft cheeses or fermented milks; meat | |
Kluyveromyces marxianus | Cheese ripening; lactase (food additive) | |
S. bayanus | Kefir fermentation; juice and wine fermentation | |
S. cerevisiae | Beer, bread, invertase (food additive) | |
S. cerevisiae subsp. boulardii | Used as probiotic culture | |
S. florentius | Kefir fermentation | |
S. pastorianus | Beer | |
S. sake | Sake fermentation | |
S. unisporus | Kefir fermentation | |
Schizosaccharomyces pombe | Wine | |
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii | Soy sauce | |
Filamentous moulds | ||
Aspergillus flavus | α-amylases (food additive) | |
A. niger | Beverages; industrial production of citric acid; amyloglucosidases, pectinase, cellulase, glucose oxidase, protease (food additives) | |
A. oryzae, A. sojae | Soy sauce, beverages; α-amylases, amyloglucosidase, lipase (food additives) | |
Penicillium camemberti | White mold cheeses (camembert type) | |
P. notatum | Glucose oxidases (food additive) | |
P. roqueforti | Blue mold cheeses | |
Rhizopus oligosporus | Tempe fermentation | |
R. oryzae | Soy sauce, koji | |