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. 2015 Nov 5;37(4):5013–5024. doi: 10.1007/s13277-015-4327-9

Table 1.

Clinico-pathological characteristics of 86 breast cancer patients

Characteristics Value (%)
Age (years)
 <50 32 (37.2)
 >50 54 (62.8)
Menopausal status
 Premenopausal 29 (33.7)
 Postmenopausal 57 (66.3)
Tumor size (cm)
 T1 (T ≤ 2) 9 (10.5)
 T2 (2 < T ≤ 5) 61 (70.9)
 T3 (T > 5) 16 (18.6)
Lymph node status
 Positive 36 (41.9)
 Negative 50 (58.1)
Histological grades
 І 17 (19.8)
 П 46 (53.5)
 Ш 23 (26.7)
ER statusa
 Positive 40 (46.5)
 Negative 46 (53.5)
CK5/6 expression
 Positive 35 (40.7)
 Negative 51 (59.3)
HER2 expressiona
 Positive (IHC 3+/2+) 45 (19/26) (52.3)
 Negative (IHC 0-1+) 41 (47.7)
HER2 gene statusb
 Amplification 28 (32.6)
 Non-amplification 58 (67.4)
 No 37(43.0)
 Yes 49(57.0)
 No 51(59.3)
 Yes 35(40.7)

aER and HER2 was determined by immunohistochemical staining according to guideline [21]

bHER2 gene was determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) according to guideline [22]

HER2 human epidermal growth factor receptor-2, CK5/6 cytokeratin5/6, ER estrogen receptor