Figure 6.
A. Viability profile of regular 4T1-luc cells and mammosphere 4T1-luc cells after they were treated by PTX NP for 72 hours. The two IC50 values are statistically different (P<0.0001, t-test). B. The volume changes of 4T1-luc orthotopic tumors after they were treated by iTEP-Sali-ABA NP, PTX NP, or a combinational regimen of PTX NP and iTEP-Sali-ABA NP. C. The metastasis-free survival of mice bearing 4T1-luc orthotopic tumors after they were treated as described in 6B. * indicates the time points when some mice were censored because they reached humane endpoints. The metastasis-free survival of the iTEP-Sali-ABA NP-treated mice is significantly longer than the PTX NP-treated mice (P=0.002, Log-rank test). The metastasis-free survival of the combination therapy-treated mice is significantly longer than the PTX NP-treated mice (P=0.001, Log-rank test). D. The overall survival profile of mice described in 6B. The overall survival of the combination therapy-treated mice is significantly longer than both iTEP-Sali-ABA NO- and PTX NP-treated mice (P<0.001 in both cases, Log-rank test).