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. 2016 Apr 26;6:25043. doi: 10.1038/srep25043

Table 2. Concentration of the analytes found in hair samples from 48 non-smokers segregated by their self-declaration of living with at least one smoker or in a smoke-free home.

Group Nicotine Cotinine NNN NNK NNAL
Exposed at home (N = 24)
 Median (IQR) [pg/mg] 2,040 (1,200; 4,650) 49 (26; 106) 0.54 (0.29; 0.60) 1.3 (0.92; 2.7)
 Mean (SE) [pg/mg] 3,320 (664) 74 (14) 0.54 (0.067) 2.1 (0.40)
 N (quantifiable) 24 21 7 15 0
Non-exposed at home (N = 24)
 Median (IQR) [pg/mg] 623 (221; 1,160) 26 (16; 43) 0.41 (−) 0.74 (0.31; 1.1)
 Mean (SE) [pg/mg] 1,330 (527) 95 (55) 0.41 (0.027) 1. 1 (0.34)
 N (quantifiable) 24 16 2 11 0
p (2-tailed) (Mann-Whitney) 0.001 0.030 0.018

Median (interquartile range (IQR)) and mean (standard error, SE) are given for each group.