a, FACS profiles of single-cell suspensions from iWAT of the indicated mice. b, GFP+ and GFP− cell populations from iWAT of 12-month-old ATTAC mice (see a for sorting brackets) analyzed by qRT-PCR (n = 6 mice). c, SA-β-Gal activity in GFP+ and GFP− iWAT cells (n = 3 mice). d, GFP+ cells in the indicated iWAT cell populations (“Rest” represents the iWAT vascular stromal fraction minus leukocytes, endothelial cells and progenitors). e–i, Fat-related analyses on C57BL/6 ATTAC mice prior to treatment (12 m) or after 6 months of treatment with vehicle (18 m –AP) or AP (18 m +AP). e, SA-β-Gal activity in iWAT (IAT) and eWAT (epididiymal). f, Electron micrograph showing perivascular X-Gal-positive cells from an 18-month-old vehicle-treated C57BL/6 ATTAC male. A, adipocyte; C, capillary. Arrows mark endothelial cells. g, Quantitation of iWAT cells containing X-Gal crystals (n = 4 mice per treatment). h, Fat mass measurements. i, iWAT and eWAT depot weights. j, Mean adipocyte diameters in iWAT. k, Expression of adipogenesis markers in iWAT (n = 4 mice per group). Scale bars: 10 μm in c; 0.5 cm in e; 2 μm in the main panel of f and 200 nm in the insets. Legends in i–k are as in h. Error bars indicate s.e.m. Statistical significance in b was determined by one sample t tests using a theoretical mean of 1, and by unpaired two-tailed t tests in all other panels. *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001.