a, Electron micrographs of X-Gal crystal containing cells in the aortic root. VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell. Scale bars, 1 μm (main panel) and 200 nm (inset). (b–g) Echocardiography measurements of heart rate (b), left ventricular mass (c), posterior wall thickness (d), left ventricular inner diameter (e), ejection fraction (f), and the fractional shortening of the heart (g) in 12-month-old untreated mice and 18-month-old ATTAC mice treated with vehicle or AP. h, Fat mass (n = 9 mice per group). 18-month-old ATTAC vehicle treated mouse values are the same as indicated in Fig. 1. i, iWAT and eWAT depot weight (n = 4 mice per group). 18-month-old ATTAC vehicle treated mouse values are the same as indicated in Fig. 1. j, k, Kidney sclerosis (j) and blood urea levels (k) (n = 4 mice per group). 18-month-old ATTAC vehicle treated mouse values are the same as indicated in Fig. 4. l, Time to death following isoproterenol administration (n = 4 mice per group). 18-month-old ATTAC vehicle treated mouse values are the same as indicated in Fig. 5. Legends and number of animals in c–g are as in b, legends in i–l are as in h. Error bars indicate s.e.m. No statistically significant differences were observed using unpaired two-tailed t tests.