Fig. 5.
The oxidative phosphorylation pathway with Nipponbare-acquired genes. This figure (KEGG: map00190) was downloaded from the KEGG website with copy-right permission. Among 1591 Nipponbare-acquired genes, 11 oxidative phosphorylation related genes were mapped to eight proteins (Additional file 7: Table S3). They are NADH dehydrogenase E Ndufs3, NADH dehydrogenase E Ndufs8, NADH dehydrogenase B/A NdhB, F-type ATPase (Bacteria) beta, F-type ATPase (Eukaryotes) delta, V-type ATPase (Eukaryotes) B, V-type ATPase (Eukaryotes) c and inorganic pyrophosphatase [EC:] (in red)