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. 2016 Apr 22;19(1):20637. doi: 10.7448/IAS.19.1.20637

Table 1.

Characteristics of patients initiating ART, by sex, at six Ethiopian clinics (June 2012 to April 2013)


Sample Men Women

n % n % n % pa
Total 1180 100.0 458 38.8 722 61.2
 Male 458 38.8
 Female, not pregnant 669 56.7
 Female, pregnant 53 4.5
 Median (IQR) 34 (28 to 40) 37 (32 to 43) 30 (26 to 38) <0.001
  18 to 29 374 31.7 78 17.0 296 41.0 <0.001
  30 to 39 482 40.8 205 44.8 277 38.4
  40 to 49 238 20.2 131 28.6 107 14.8
  50 + 86 7.3 44 9.6 42 5.8
 Ethiopian Orthodox 825 69.9 323 70.5 502 69.5 0.549
 Protestant 239 20.3 85 18.6 154 21.3
 Muslim 108 9.2 47 10.3 61 8.4
 Other Christian 8 0.7 3 0.7 5 0.7
Highest education level
 No school 374 31.7 92 20.1 282 39.1 <0.001
 Primary school or vocational/other 484 41.0 206 45.0 278 38.5
 Secondary school 239 20.3 111 24.2 128 17.7
 University 83 7.0 49 10.7 34 4.7
Area of residence
 Urban area 920 78.0 335 73.1 585 81.0 0.002
 Rural area 259 21.9 122 26.6 137 19.0
 Unknown 1 0.1 1 0.2 0 0.0
Relationship status
 In a relationship 673 57.0 309 67.5 364 50.4 <0.001
 Not in a relationship 507 43.0 149 32.5 358 49.6
Ever widowed
 Yes 293 24.8 75 16.4 218 30.2 <0.001
 No 874 74.1 377 82.3 497 68.8
 Unknown 13 1.1 6 1.3 7 1.0
Original diagnosis unit
 PITC 647 54.8 245 53.5 402 55.7 0.763
 VCT 513 43.5 205 44.8 308 42.6
 Unknown 20 1.7 8 1.7 12 1.7
 Ambo Hospital 241 20.4 109 23.8 132 18.3 0.027
 Bishoftu Hospital 309 26.2 133 29.0 176 24.4
 Fitche Hospital 166 14.1 53 11.6 113 15.7
 Goba Hospital 129 10.9 45 9.8 84 11.6
 Nekemte Hospital 194 16.4 70 15.3 124 17.2
 Shashemene Hospital 141 11.9 48 10.5 93 12.9

ART, antiretroviral therapy; IQR, interquartile range; PITC, provider-initiated testing and counselling; VCT, voluntary counselling and testing


chi-squared test for categorical variables, Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables.