Illustrations of secondary obdiplostemony type I (A–C, Cnestis ferruginea DC., Connaraceae) and primary obdiplostemony type II (D–F, Cephalotus follicularis Labill., Cephalotaceae). (A) Apical view of young obdiplostemonous flower at initiation of the carpels. (B) Older stage with fully developed carpels. Note the extent of peripheral carpel development in alternisepalous position. (C) Nearly mature stage showing the strongly displaced stigmas pressed against the antepetalous stamens. (D) Early initiation of alternisepalous stamens; four sepals removed. (E) Initiation of second stamen whorl and carpel primordia. (F) Apical view of older pentamerous flower. Note the larger alternisepalous anthers and large central area pushing the carpels away from the centre in E and F. Abbreviations: ac, antepetalous or alternisepalous stamen; ak, antesepalous stamen; c, petal; k, sepal; g, carpel or style. Scale bars: C = 200 μm; D, E = 20 μm; A, B, F = 100 μm.