Fig 10. Comparison of endocranial soft-tissues of Sarmientosaurus musacchioi gen. et sp. nov. (MDT-PV 2) and other sauropods in a phylogenetic context.
Images are computed tomography-based digital visualizations in left lateral view. Species are, from top: the basal eusauropod Spinophorosaurus nigerensis (GCP-CV-4229; modified from Knoll et al. [117]); the derived diplodocoid Diplodocus longus (CM 11161, modified from Witmer et al. [118]); the basal macronarian Camarasaurus lentus (CM 11338, modified from Witmer et al. [118]); the basal lithostrotian titanosaur Sarmientosaurus musacchioi (MDT-PV 2); and an unnamed, derived lithostrotian titanosaur from Uzbekistan (CCMGE 628/12457, modified from Sues et al. [63]; this is missing the rostral portion of the endocast). Color coding is as follows: endocast, lighter blue; endosseous inner ear labyrinth, pink; cranial nerves, yellow; arterial structures, red; venous structures, darker blue. Scale bar = 2 cm.