Fig 3. Simplot and Bootscan analyses of the NoV recombinant GII.P7/GII.6 detected in four different years.
(a) LVCA7842, (b) LVCA14441, (c) LVCA15109, and (d) LVCA17819. For similarity plot, the y-axis gives the percentage of identity within a sliding window of 200 bp wide, with a step size between plots of 20 bp. The site where the two NoV parental strains of genotypes GII.6 (JX989075) and GII.7 (AF414409) have equal identity to the recombinant (crossed by the vertical blue lines) is the predicted site of recombination. For Bootscan, the y-axis gives the percentage of bootstrap support values of permutated trees using a sliding window of 200 bp wide with a step size between plots of 20 bp. GII.17 strain (AY502009) was used as an outlier sequence.