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. 2016 Mar 17;5:e13715. doi: 10.7554/eLife.13715

Figure 4. Initial position of R cell axons in the medulla is developmentally consolidated.

(A) Early mis-expression of Sequoia from 3rd instar stage leads to shift of all R8 growth cones to deeper medulla position and results in convergence with R7 growth cones. (B) Induction of Sequoia mis-expression from 6 hr APF shows consolidation of 8 posterior R8 growth cones in their superficial medulla position at 24 hr APF. (C) Sequoia mis-expression from 8 hr APF shows 12 posterior R8 growth cones to be consolidated. (D) Sequoia mis-expression from 12 hr APF onwards shows consolidation of 16 posterior R8 growth cones in superficial medulla position at 24 hr APF. (E) Continued Sequoia mis-expression until 40 hr APF following induction at 12 hr APF does not disrupt the consolidation of 16 posterior R8 growth cones. (F) Quantification of R8 growth cone consolidation. Error bars indicate Standard Deviation.


Figure 4—source data 1. R8 axon consolidation quantification.
The file depicts quantification of number of R8 axons consolidated in the superficial medulla position following induction of Sequoia expression at different developmental stages. Rows depict different developmental stages at which Sequoia expression was induced. Total number of R8 axons was counted at the stage of Sequoia expression induction and number of R8 axons consolidated in the superficial medulla position was counted at 24 hr APF. For each stage, 20 brains were analysed and the average number is shown in the source file.
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.13715.013

Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. Temporally restricted induction of Sequoia expression has differential effects on R7/R8 growth cone segregation.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

(AD) The induction of Sequoia expression in temporally restricted manner during R cell growth cone positioning. Schematics on the left illustrate the temporal windows of Sequoia expression and schematics on the right illustrate the resulting growth cone phenotypes. (A) Wild type targeting of R8 and R7 growth cones at 24 hr APF in the medulla. (B) Continued mis-expression of Sequoia causes R8 and R7 growth cones to remain converged forming a single layer in deeper medulla position at 40 hr APF. (C) Early mis-expression of Sequoia until 24 hr APF is sufficient for continued convergence of R8 and R7 growth cones at 40 hr APF. (D) Late mis-expression of Sequoia after 24 hr APF cannot induce convergence of R8 and R7 growth cones in deeper medulla position at 40 hr APF but results in loss of topographic arrangement (D arrowheads).