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. 2016 Apr 19;22:34–44. doi: 10.12659/MSMBR.897601

Table 1.

Early mortality results.

First Author Year Type of study Number of patients % treated with rEVAR Early mortality (endo % vs. open %; p value)
Ohki [36] 2000 Retrospective 25 80.0% No difference (10% vs. 0%; NS)
Hinchcliffe [37] 2001 RCT (Nottingham trial) 32 49.0% No difference (53% vs. 53%)
Yilmaz [38] 2002 Prospective/Retrospective 64 37.5% No difference (24% vs. 41%; NS)
Peppelenbosch [10] 2003 Prospective/Retrospective 40 65.0% No difference (31% vs. 50%; NS)
Resch [39] 2003 Prospective/Retrospective 37 37.8% No difference (29% vs. 35%; p>.05)
Reichart [40] 2003 Prospective/Retrospective 26 23.1% N/A
Lee [41] 2004 Retrospective 36 36.0% Lower in rEVAR (7.7% vs. 30.8%)
Alsac [26] 2005 Case series 37 46.0% Lower in rEVAR (23.5% vs. 50%; p=.09)
Kapma [42] 2005 Prospective 253 15.8% Lower in EVAR (13% vs. open 30%; p=.021)
Larzon [28] 2005 Prospective 50 30.0% No difference (13% vs. 46%; p>.05)
Castelli [27] 2005 Retrospective 46 54.3% No difference (20% vs. 47.6%; NS)
Vaddenini [43] 2005 Retrospective 24 62,5% No difference (22% vs.. 26%)
Brandt [44] 2005 Retrospective 39 54.0% Lower in rEVAR (8% vs. 53%, P=.003)
Peppelenbosch [45] 2006 Prospective; Multicentre (ERA trial) 100 49.0% No difference (35% vs. 39%; p=.78)
Greco [35] 2006 Population-based 5798 3.4% N/A
Visser [46] 2006 Prospective 55 47.3% No difference (31% vs. 31%; p=.98)
Arya [47] 2006 Prospective ITT 51 33.3% No difference (24% vs. 47%; p=.14)
Franks [48] 2006 Retrospective 19 47.3% No difference (11% vs. 54%; p=.03)
Coppi [49] 2006 Retrospective 124 26.6% No difference (30% vs. 46%)
van der Viet [50] 2007 Prospective 77 64.0% Lower in EVAR (25% vs. 49%; p=.04)
Moore [51] 2007 Prospective; Protocol modified 126 15.9% Lower in rEVAR (5% vs. 28%, p=.0084)
Najjar [52] 2007 Retrospective 37 40.5% No difference (6.7% vs. 13.6; p=.61)
Ockert [53] 2007 Retrospective 58 50.0% No difference (31% vs. 31%; p=1.0)
Sharif [54] 2007 Retrospective 126 58.7% Lower in EVAR (32.7% vs. 51.4%; p=.05)
Acosta [55] 2007 Retrospective 162 34.6% No difference (34% vs. 45% in-hospital mortality; p=.16)
Anain [56] 2007 Retrospective 40 75.0% No difference (17% vs. 40%; p=.19)
Dalainas [57] 2008 Prospective 28 71.4% No difference (40% vs. 62.6%; p>.05)
Egorova [34] 2008 Population-based 43033 2.5% Lower in rEVAR up to 90 days postop
Lesperance [58] 2008 Population-based 9931 9.6% Lower in rEVAR (31% vs. 42%; p<.001)
Lee [59] 2008 Prospective 37 45.9% Lower in EVAR (35% vs. 75%; p=.02)
Wibmer [30] 2008 Retrospective 47 34.0% No difference (0% vs. 12.9%; p=.28)
Giles [60] 2009 Population-based 567 21.0% Lower in rEVAR (24% vs. 36%; p<.05)
Giles [61] 2009 Population-based 28429 8.2% Lower in rEVAR (33% vs. 41%; p<.001)
McPhee [62] 2009 Population-based 27750 11.5% Lower in rEVAR (31.7% vs. 40.7%; p <.0001)
Vogel [63] 2009 Population-based 5176 12.0% No difference (45.1% vs. 52.4%; p=.21)
Verhoeven [64] 2009 Prospective 159 71.7% Lower in EVAR (20% vs. 27.2%)
Visser [65] 2009 Prospective; Multicentre 201 28.9% No difference (26% vs. 40%; p=.06)
Vun [66] 2009 Retrospective 45 15.6% Lower in EVAR (0% vs. 42%)
Veith [67] 2009 Retrospective 1443 47.1% Lower in EVAR (17.4±8.9% vs. 35.8±12.4%; p=.0001)
Holt [68] 2010 Population-based 4414 7.6% Lower in EVAR (32.2% vs. 47.4%; p<.001)
Lyons [69] 2010 Retrospective 47 38.0% No difference (11% vs. 32%; NS)
Starnes [70] 2010 Retrospective 46 48.0% Lower in EVAR (18.5% vs. 54.2%; p=.01)
Chagpar [71] 2010 Retrospective 167 19.2% Lower in rEVAR (15.6% vs. 43.7%; p=.004)
Van Schaik [72] 2011 Prospective 56 26.8% Lower in EVAR (26% vs. 46%)
Sarac [73] 2011 Retrospective 160 32.0% No difference (31.2% vs.. 32%; p=.93)
Ten Bosch [74] 2012 Prospective 129 19.0% Lower in EVAR (20% vs. 45%; p=.021)
Mayer [75] 2012 Prospective ITT; Multicentre 473 57.0% Lower in rEVAR (15.7% vs.. 37.4%; p=0.35)
Ioannidis [76] 2012 Retrospective 43 46.5% No difference (35% vs. 43%; p=.627)
Nedeau [77] 2012 Retrospective 74 25.7% Lower in rEVAR (15.7% vs. 49%; p=.008)
Noorani [78] 2012 Retrospective 102 51.0% Lower in rEVAR (12% vs. 28%)
Saqib [25] 2012 Retrospective 278 13.3% No difference (50% vs. 54%; p=.66)
Park [79] 2013 Population-based 16558 22.9% Lower in rEVAR (OR=0.492; CI, 0.380–0.636)
Mehta [80] 2013 Prospective ITT 283 42.4% Lower in rEVAR (24.2% vs. 44.2%; p<.005)
Reimerink [81] 2013 RCT (AJAX trial) 116 49.1% No difference (21% vs. 25%; p=.66)
Wu [82] 2014 Retrospective 36 42.9% No difference (33.3% vs. 15.5%; p=.201)
Mohan [83] 2014 Population-based 41,126 19.3% Lower in EVAR (25.9% vs.. 39.1%; p<0.001)
Speicher [84] 2014 Population-based 1997 30.7% Lower in EVAR (26.2% vs. 38.5%; p<.001)
Edwards [85] 2014 Prospective 10998 10.0% Lower in rEVAR (38.8 vs. 47.7%)
van Beek [16] 2015 Observational based on AJAX trial 467 15.6% N/A
Gunnarsson [22] 2015 Population-based 1304 26.0% No difference (28% vs. 27.4%; p=.87)
McHugh [4] 2015 Prospective 41 56.0% No difference (34.8% vs. 38.9%; p=.786)
Desgranges [86] 2015 RCT (ECAR trial) 107 52.3% No difference (39.3% vs. 41%; p=.239)
Improve Trial Investigators [23] 2015 RCT (IMPROVE trial) 613 51.5% No difference (35.4% vs. 37.4%; p=.62)
Huang [19] 2015 Retrospective 1534 58.0% No difference (0.9% vs. 1.3%; p=.56)