Figure 2.
Diverse layer-by-layer (LbL) nanoparticles are prepared in a controlled manner using the tangential flow filtration (TFF)-assisted method. (a–c) Solid-core LbL particles were prepared by coating 100 nm, carboxy-modified latex particles with five bilayers of poly(L-lysine) and dextran sulfate (100CML-[PLL/DXS]5). (d–f) Liposomal-core LbL particles were prepared by coating negatively charged, doxorubicin-containing liposomes with four bilayers of PLL and DXS followed by a bilayer of PLL and heparin sulfate (Lipo-[PLL/DXS]4-PLL-HS). (a, d) These particles exhibited controlled size increase during layer deposition. (b, e) Nanoparticle uniformity was maintained throughout the layering process as indicated by the low polydispersity index (PDI). (c, f) Complete charge reversal was observed after each layer deposition indicating successful LbL modification. Size and polydispersity data were acquired by dynamic light scattering, and zeta potential data was measured using laser Doppler electrophoresis. Error bars represent standard deviation of three technical replicates. For population-based data see Supplemental Figure S5.