Figure 5. Foreskin Ad5 IgG transudates from blood and preferentially reaches the inner epidermis, whereas Ad5 IgA is mainly in the colon.
A–D) After exclusion of 6 samples due to dermal contamination or Ad5 seronegative status, colon (A,B), foreskin (C,D), and corresponding plasma samples from 14 participants were compared by calculating the ratios of binding Ad5 IgG (A,C) or IgA (B,D) normalized to HSA in each sample. HSA was measured by multiplex bead array (MBA); Ad5 IgG and IgA was assessed by ELISA. Only significant differences in Wilcoxon post-test after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons are reported in the figures. E) Correlation between 14 foreskin dermal Ad5 IgG/HSA ratios and those in paired blood were analyzed using Spearman’s rho. Inner dermis samples are labeled with filled black circles; outer dermis samples are labeled with open black squares.