Table 1.
Behavioural and clinical characteristics of the women in this study
Characteristic | All (N=48) | Tenofovir (N=24) | Placebo (N=24) |
Rural % (n) | 58.3% (28) | 58.3% (14) | 58.3% (14) |
Median Age in years (IQR) | 23 (22-25) | 24 (22-28) | 22 (22-23) |
Median days PI* at enrolment (IQR) | 38 (24-65) | 35 (27-63) | 45 (23-65) |
Median CD4 count (cells/μl) (IQR) | 498 (434-655) | 468 (444-569) | 515 (433-685) |
Median viral load (copies/ml) (IQR) | 59050 (17300-135500) | 80600 (22000-130000) | 54800 (13600-148000) |
Time to HIV-infection from enrolment in months (IQR)◆ | 9.2 (4.9-14.1) | 12.8 (6.6-16.6) | 7.4 (3.3-10.6) |
Completed high school % (n) | 54.2% (26) | 41.7% (10) | 66.7% (16) |
Hormonal contraception# (n) | 97.9% (47) | 100% (24) | 95.8% (23) |
Marital status % (n) | |||
Stable/married partner | 79.2% (38) | 87.5% (21) | 70.8% (17) |
> 2 partners | 2.1% (1) | 0.0% (0) | 4.2% (1) |
Single | 18.7% (9) | 12.5% (3) | 25.0% (6) |
Number of reported sexual partners in the last 3 months** % (n) | |||
0 to 1 | 93.8% (45) | 95.8% (23) | 91.7% (22) |
2 to 5 | 6.2% (3) | 4.2% (1) | 8.3% (2) |
Reported condom used at last sex act % (n) | 68.8% (33) | 75.0% (18) | 62.5% (15) |
PI = post-infection
Two non-rapid progressing women had missing sexual partner data (in previous 3 months) as they refused to answer the question.
Hormonal contraception use included the injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate and norethisterone, and oral combined contraception. One woman in the placebo arm of the study was using an intrauterine device.
Time to HIV infection was significantly different between the tenofovir and placebo arms- p= 0.02.