Overexpression of miR-183 led to increased UV-induced DNA damage through inhibition of KIAA0101. To evaluate the effects of miR-183 on UV-induced DNA damage and to determine whether these effects were dependent on KIAA0101 inhibition, HTM (A), HDF (B), and HeLa cells (C) were co-transfected with either ConM plus pCon, 183M plus pCon, ConM plus pKIAA0101, or 183M plus pKIAA0101. At 48 hours (HTM, HDF) or 24 hours (HeLa) after transfection, cells were exposed to low dose of UV irradiation. Two hours after UV irradiation, cells were collected, and DNA damage was determined using CometAssay kit for single-cell gel electrophoresis assay. Quantitative data were generated by image analysis of the length of the comet tail from 75 to 115 random individual cells for each group. Data are percentages of DNA damage compared to those in the control (mean ± SD ConM plus pCon). *P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney U test).