Figure 4. vas2 mutation has no effect on the responses of the cotyledon’s angle and size of the sav3 mutant on treatment with a combination of NPA and shade.
a, Representative plants of Col WT, sav3-1 mutant, vas2-1 sav3-1 double mutant and vas2-1 mutant are shown. Plants were grown on 1/2 MS without NPA under Wc (Wc, −NPA) for 9 days or 1/2 MS containing 4 μM NPA for 5 days, then transferred to shade for 4 days (shade, +NPA). The cotyledon angle—the angle between the cotyledon and petiole—is denoted by red lines and further represented with black lines for clarification. b, Quantification of the cotyledon angle and the ratio of the cotyledon angle with shade and NPA treatment to that without shade treatment (shade, +NPA/Wc, −NPA). c, Representative cotyledons of Col WT, sav3-1 mutant, vas2 sav3-1 double mutant and vas2-1 mutant are shown. Plant growth conditions are the same as described in Fig. 3a. d, Quantification of cotyledon size and the ratio of the cotyledon size with shade and NPA treatment to that without shade treatment (shade, +NPA/Wc, −NPA). Values are means ± s.e.m.