DR5::GUS was introduced into sav3-1 mutant, vas2-2 mutant and vas2-2 sav3-1 double mutants by genetic cross. a–h, vas2 mutants exhibit stronger DR5::GUS activities under both Wc and shade. Plants harbouring the DR5::GUS transgene were grown on 1/2 MS plates (−NPA) under Wc for 5 days, and then kept in Wc (a–d) or transferred to shade (e–h) for 4 days. i–l, NPA treatment inhibits DR5::GUS accumulation in the hypocotyl of WT plants, but not of vas2 mutants. Plants harbouring the DR5::GUS transgene were grown on 1/2 MS plates supplemented with 4 μM NPA (+NPA) under Wc for 5 days, and then transferred to shade (i–l) for 4 days.