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. 2016 Apr 26;7(2):e02134-15. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02134-15


X-ray data collection and refinement statistics

Parameter Value(s) fora:
PDB ID no. 5E75 5E76 5E7G 5E7H
Resolution (Å) 21.48–1.36 (1.409–1.36) 56.13–2.3 (2.382–2.3) 39.19–2.37 (2.455–2.37) 30.69–1.57 (1.626–1.570)
Space group P21 I422 R32 P6122
Unit cell dimensions, a, b, c (Å) 52.8, 81.4, 57.7; β = 107.85° 131.5, 131.5, 188 207.4, 207.4, 117.9 87.1, 87.1, 201.6
No. of reflections
    Total 355,272 (26,772) 1,068,014 (102,923) 324,544 (32,355) 1,366,812 (129,645)
    Unique 99,136 (9,762) 36,775 (3,625) 39,362 (3,898) 62,808 (6,068)
Multiplicity 3.6 (2.7) 29.0 (28.4) 8.2 (8.3) 21.8 (21.4)
Completeness (%) 99.71 (98.82) 99.63 (99.42) 99.96 (100.00) 98.4 (96.98)
Mean I/σ〈I 15.57 (2.29) 24.93 (6.71) 20.98 (2.36) 38.52 (5.03)
Wilson B-factor 11.91 31.14 43.91 17.86
Rmerge 0.04759 (0.4513) 0.1428 (0.7178) 0.09159 (1.197) 0.05559 (0.7748)
CC1/2b 0.999 (0.759) 0.999 (0.982) 0.999 (0.794) 1.000 (0.933)
CC*c 1.000 (0.929) 1.000 (0.995) 1.000 (0.941) 1.000 (0.982)
Rwork 0.1468 (0.2597) 0.2178 (0.2788) 0.1975 (0.3018) 0.1560 (0.2008)
Rfree 0.1738 (0.2632) 0.2482 (0.2978) 0.2260 (0.3219) 0.1712 (0.2019)
No. of non-hydrogen atoms
    All 4,562 4,319 3,678 2,328
    Macromolecules 4,079 3,974 3,425 1,985
    Ligands 39 116 127 25
    Water 444 229 126 318
No. of protein residues 506 492 446 260
    Bond length (Å) 0.008 0.007 0.005 0.009
    Bond angle (°) 1.15 0.96 0.87 1.18
Ramachandran statistics
    Favored (%) 98 95 97 98
    Outliers (%) 0 0.41 0.23 0
    Clash score 0.5 2.13 0.86 1.27
Avg B-factors
    All 16.1 53.2 53 25.4
    Macromolecules 15.2 53.5 52.5 22.9
    Ligands 24.7 61 71.1 47
    Solvent 24.4 42.9 47.6 39

Numbers in parentheses are for the highest-resolution shell.


CC1/2, Pearson correlation coefficient between the average intensities of each subset.


CC*, Pearson correlation coefficient for correlation between the observed data set and true signal.