Reduction of microglial number and activation
of the MCAO-affected
cortex (Co) and striatum (St) by CBS inhibitor 6S. (a)
OX-42-immunopositive microglial cells observed in the Sham-operated
(S) group are resting microglia based on their ramified star-like
morphology. Marked increase in the number of microglia was observed
in the tMCAO (T) group. Many of these cells are activated as they
appeared to be large with thick processes. In the CBSI 6S-treated tMCAO (T + I) group, the number of activated microglia was
reduced although still increased when compared to the Sham group.
(b) Representative Western blot results. (c) Quantified Western blot
results, n = 3–4. ANOVA: F (2, 8) = 19.399
for cortical OX-42, F (2, 8) = 25.288 for striatal OX-42, **p < 0.01 against respective tMCAO (T) group by Bonferroni.
Western blot results support the observations in A. (d–f) are
similar to (a–c) except that they are for ED-1 which is a marker
of macrophages including phagocytic microglia, which are comparatively
absent in the sham group. (f) ANOVA: F (2, 8) = 15.408 for cortical
ED-1 and F (2, 7) = 59.718 for striatal ED-1, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 against respective tMCAO
(T) group by Bonferroni.