Figure 3.
Plasma measures. Plasma concentrations of total ghrelin, glucose, insulin, FFAs, triglycerides, and leptin for HW and OW groups across the time course of Hungry and Sated scans were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA with pairwise post hoc investigation of significant interactions. Error bars represent error of the mean. Plasma total ghrelin levels were higher at Hungry than Sated scans at 30 and 60min after meal onset. Plasma glucose levels were higher at Sated than Hungry sessions at 30 and 60min after meal onset. Plasma insulin levels were higher at Sated than Hungry sessions at 30, 60, and 90min after meal onset as well as, on average, immediately prior to meal onset (time point 0). Plasma FFA levels were greater at Hungry than Sated sessions 60min after meal onset. Plasma triglycerides levels were greater at Sated than Hungry sessions at 60min after meal onset. Plasma leptin levels were greater for the OW versus the HW group. No other effects or interactions with weight group were observed, other than a putative BMI by condition interaction for leptin that was driven by an outlier.