Figure 4.
Effects of 4-week administration of MAP4343 and fluoxetine on core body temperature (CBT) in stressed tree shrews. A, C, E: Representative curves showing the CBT recorded during the unstressed control period (Wk2; black lines), the first stress period (Wk4, light grey lines) and the last stress period (Wk8, dark grey, red or blue lines) in animals receiving vehicle (A), MAP4343 (C) or fluoxetine (E). The black-and-white bar at the bottom of the graphs indicates the 12-hr dark/12-hr light cycle (light from 08:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m.).
B, D, F: Histograms representing the respective areas under curves measured during Wk2 (dark bars), Wk4 (light grey bars) and Wk8 (dark grey, red or blue bars) in animals receiving vehicle (B), MAP4343 (D) or fluoxetine (F), respectively (n=8 independent animals per group). *P<.05, **P<.01 when compared to the control period (Wk2); $ P<.05 when compared to the first stress period (Wk4) (One-way ANOVA for repeated measures followed by a Fisher’s LSD test to compare weekly means within each respective group). G: Curves representing the nadir of CBT measured during the whole experimental period in animals receiving vehicle (squares), MAP4343 (triangles), or fluoxetine (circles). White items represent the values obtained during the control period, grey items represent the values obtained during the stress period without treatment and red or blue items represent the values obtained during the stressed period with MAP4343 or fluoxetine treatment, respectively. Data are weekly means±SEM calculated from daily measurements in each independent animal (n=8 per group). *P<.05, **P<.01 and ***P<.001 when compared to the control period (Wk2); $ P<.05 when compared between the indicated weeks (One-way ANOVA for repeated measures followed by a Fisher’s LSD test to compare means from each week within each respective group). H: Boxplots showing changes of nadir of CBT between the beginning and the end of the stress period in untreated (grey bar), MAP4343-treated (red bar) or fluoxetine-treated (blue bar) group. Data are difference scores obtained between Wk8 and Wk 4. *P<.05 and **P<.001 as compared to untreated group (One-way ANOVA followed by a Fisher’s LSD post hoc test).