Table 3. Model fit and comparison statistics.
Model | pD | DIC | |
Partial | |||
(1a) | 1320 | 81 | 1401 |
(1b) | 1345 | 114 | 1459 |
Covariate£ | |||
(2) | 952 | 32 | 984 |
= posterior mean deviance, calculated as where D = −2log p(y|θ).
pD = Posterior mean deviance—deviance of posterior means, calculated as pD = Eθ|y [D]−D(Eθ|y[θ]).
DIC = Deviance information criterion, analogous to the frequentist AIC estimate and estimated as
£Several covariate models (which also included random effect terms) were fitted starting with a model that included all covariates that were screened in the univariate procedure with a liberal p ≤ 0.2, followed by the removal of one covariate at a time from the Bayesian hierarchical models. The removal of % grassland area, minimum land surface temperature and an interaction term, ‘diurnal temperature range x % mixed forest area’ one at a time, in that order resulted in models with DIC values of 1261, 1014, and 1008. To the final covariate model, a random effect space-time term, Ψij was inserted, which resulted in a DIC value of 1023, indicating poor performance. Other previously removed covariates did not re-enter the final covariate model.