Exceeded the speed limit in residential or school zones?
Drove 10–19 miles per hour over the speed limit?
Drove 20 or more miles per hour over the speed limit?
Purposely tailgated or followed another vehicle very closely?
Switched lanes to weave through slower traffic?
Changed lanes with very little room between vehicles?
Cut in front of a vehicle to turn?
Pulled out into traffic without waiting for a large space between vehicles?
Made an illegal U-turn?
Went through an intersection when the light was yellow or just turning yellow?
Went through an intersection when the light was red or just turning red?
Went through a stop sign without stopping completely?
Changed lanes without signaling?
Played the radio?
Raced another vehicle, even just for a short distance?
Drove in a way to show off to other people?
Drove without wearing a seat belt?
Drove with 2 or more passengers about your age in the vehicle?
Drove when sleepy or drowsy?
Drove after midnight?
Drove in inclement weather (icy, snowy, or heavy rain)?