a) Differences in percent distance traveled in the light (DTL) in response to ethanol across 6 BXD ARI strains containing either the D2 (BXD 63, 66, 67) or B6 (BXD 43, 90, 98) allele at the peak genetic marker (rs3716547, 68.67 Mb) within the chromosome 12 QTL, Etanq1. ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test revealed a significant anxiolytic-like response to ethanol in most BXD strains containing the B6 allele (BXD43: p = 0.84, BXD90: p = 7.1e-05, BXD98: p = 3.4e-04), whereas the lowest p-value among strains containing the D2 allele was 0.97. b) Collapsing post-ethanol DTL scores across BXD ARI strains containing the D2 or B6 allele revealed a significant effect of the B6 allele on ethanol-induced anxiolysis (p = 2.9E-06 versus D2 allele ethanol, ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc analysis).