Fig. 2.
DNA methylation analyses for microRNA coding regions of tumor and background tissues in non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma patients. a. Hierarchical clustering of methylation data from tumor and background tissues relating to microRNA-coding regions. Methylation analysis was performed using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. All probes annotated within microRNA regions were used for the analysis. b. Relative methylation change (background levels subtracted from tumor levels) stratified by probe annotations (upstream regions/gene body and protein-coding gene/microRNA). c. Relative methylation change (background levels subtracted from tumor levels) stratified by probe annotations (non-clustered microRNAs/clustered microRNAs). d. Comparison of histogram plots showing methylation levels between background and tumor tissues stratified by non-clustered and clustered microRNA coding regions. e. Visualization of a statistical model showing methylation level in accordance to particular probe annotations (relative location from gene and CpG island, and protein-/miRNA-/clustered miRNA-coding). f. A proportion of significantly hypo/hyper-methylated CpGs within each miRNA cluster